I didn't know many of the people in eMi before the conference. This was my main reason for going to the conference. I was able to meet most everyone from every office around the world. I met all emi staff at the conference as well as everyone else attending the conference except 25 people.
My journey to the conference from Guatemala was a God lesson that can be read about here. The breakout sessions on Disaster Response were the highlight for me (aside from meeting all the wonderful people at the conference). Scott Powell of eMi did a great job of putting that together. We had head representatives from Samaritan's Purse, World Vision, YWAM and Food for the Hungry.
All of the members of the Guatemala eMi office have gone back to the states. I am the only one here as the office transitions to become the Latin America office and moves to Costa Rica. Tom and his family will return at the end of the month and I will help him pack up the office for the move in September. Anyway, it was great to see everyone there at the conference and be able to have a lot of social time with them. It was a grand farewell. Some of them will be moving down to Costa Rice but we will not. Our time in Guatemala is coming to a close as our sights move toward the possibilities of Jordan.
It was an encouraging and exciting time to be together and see all that eMi is doing and has done around the world. eMi is on the cutting edge, showing that everyone can use their skills to further the gospel and for engineers the Lord is actively using them through eMi in "designing a world of hope..."